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Valdus Aetherius | Member Since 22 Mar, 2020
0 Followers 2418 Page views 1 Likes

I spend most of my time playing a variety of games. Though I do mostly play games, I also love reading and writing stories as well. So far, I have written two stories and I'm beginning a third story along the way, too. If you are interested in reading any of the books, I suggest reading my first book. It is also where my two characters - Valdus and Kaenrae - originate from.   Listening to music would be another hobby of mine. I don't really hold a main preference for a music genre, or have a favourite, unlike my gaming, though. It mostly just depends on if I like the specific song or not - if that makes any sense, at all.   Though I do hold multiple interests and hobbies, my main interests revolve around my obsession over dragons. I can never get enough from how much they fascinate me, and if it isn't in your main interest, it's best to not start me on a discussion about them. It's quite the difficult task to get me to stop, once I've started.