Currencies Item in Ravengrin | World Anvil
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Even long before the humans arrived, The Bloodless Land was riddled with long-forgotten crypts and abandoned fortresses.   The only difference was that no one had the ambition to sack them.   Even after the formation of the Eitridean Empire, these ruins were rich with strange gems and foreign coins. Over the years, these treasures have become circulated, mixed in with Eitridean coin. The value of gold remains constant, but the worth of more exotic currency varies from town to town. Many are suspicious of such money, because those that use it are usually grave robbers of some sort, raiders of the crypts and mausoleums scattered across Ravengrin.   It is believed by many that long ago, before even the reign of the Elves and Dwarves, there was once a great human empire, that used such coins. It is rumored that these coins possess mystical, and sometimes sinister power.
There are three main types of specialized currency in Ravengrin. Bloodmarks, Sunmarks, and Soulmarks.   Bloodmarks were first developed by elven sangromancers in the Elder Days. They possess the ability to store a portion of a creature's vitality for a short period of time. An Bloodmark is a magic item of Uncommon rarity that requires attunement. Once per day, a creature that is attuned to a Bloodmark can use their action to give themselves 1d10 temporary hitpoints.   The dwarves claim Sunmarks were mined at the dawn of time by Moraed himself. Whether this is true or not, they certainly possess power linked to the divine. Each night, except the dark of the moon, Sunmarks deal 1d8 radiant damage to any fiend or undead they are in contact with. Additionally, a creature with Moonmarks on their person is immune to being raised to undeath, no matter the time of day.   Soulmarks are the rarest and deadliest of the coins. Only a handful still exist today. When a sapient creature dies within a 30 foot vicinity of a Soulmark, their soul is consumed and stored, unable to travel to whatever outer plane it was destined for. The soul is immediately released if the Soulmark is melted down in a magical forge or crucible, and the Soul is released to the outer planes.
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Currency & Deeds

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