Empyrean Steel Material in Ravare | World Anvil

Empyrean Steel

A Personal Review by Elias Dods.


Empyrean steel was a marvelous creation said to originate with the dawn of the Udrithi Empire and their one true god Gaul. The Udirkith named the creation of this material one of Gaul's eight great acts of divinity that took place during his ascension to Lord of War and Godking of the Udirkith. Only the most elite in their society were permitted weapons crafted from this most sacred metal, and few survived the empire's sundering.
...And when Gaul commanded it, the world bent and obeyed. The sky would fall from the heavens to bring glory to his empire for thus was Gaul's will, and thus it would be done.
— Excerpt from the Book of Ascension, the Rise of Gaul.
Empyrean steel is perhaps the strangest material amongst the ruins of the Udrithi Empire, and it is truly a thing made by divine hands. The rare samples of this metal that have made their way out of Udirkith ruins are all subtly different from each other. Each metalwork made from this metal reflects the position of the stars from the moment it was forged. The precious metal itself seems to wrap the night sky around it, and in its infinite depth, you could all to easily lose yourself.
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General Information

Very Rare
Jet Black, dotted with minute white lights.
Empyrean Steel is twice as dense as common steel.
Common State
Forged metal works.

Blades of Night

Empyrean steel is a deep all-consuming black speckled with bright pins of light like miniature stars depicted the exact positions of the stars from the moment of its forging.

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