The Protectorate of Vaazmaarshaan Organization in Raneia | World Anvil
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The Protectorate of Vaazmaarshaan

The Protectorate was formed in the year 1214 DE when the Seven Lords seceded from the Empire. Lord Zacharias Wells, Lord Richard Curnow, Lord Abducar Kinsington, Lord Edmund Blexley, Lord Lewis Ashely Carlyle, Lady Elaine Treefount, Lord Mercer St. Claire met in secret over the three years since King Howle’s coup. Lord Wells, Lord Carlyle, and Lord Kinsington initially supported the General’s efforts to seize power and become king. However, in the weeks following the coup, they realized their folly. They gained the alliance of the other neighboring lords, and approached the great dragon Vaazmaarshaan the Venerable to proclaim fealty and beg protection. The dragon knew their goals and intentions, else he would have immolation them before they even set foot in his lair. The dragon accepted their offer and proclaimed them as his subjects.   What is now the Protectorate was once the Imperial Province of Laurellon, and before that was part of old kingdom of Otmun.


The dragon Vaazmaarshaan rules this territory absolutely. The Seven Lords retain control over their domains, but now they answer to the dragon. A new society has also grown and flourished of Dragonborn.

Demography and Population

  • Dominant: Humans
  • Minority: Dragonborn, half-elves
  • Enclaves: Dwarves, gnomes, tieflings
  • Groups: halflings, elves, half-orcs
  • Individuals: Tritons
  • Singular:


The Dragon Guard are the primary military force of the Protectorate. 1,000 dragonborn troops of various bloodline defend its borders. Powerful draconian spellcasters supplement their ranks. The forces of the Seven also defend their territories.   The Dragon Guard is supplemented by the knights and soldiers of the Seven, numbering roughly 20,000.   Vaazmaarshaan also has the loyalty of ten other dragons (ranging in age from young to ancient), whom go into battle for him, acting as his generals.
  • Juuraamorgaan, an ancient copper dragon.
  • Ssaanlwaan, an ancient silver dragon.
  • Voorshaanlimaan, an adult gold dragon, son of Vaazmaarshaan.
  • Illverraax “Illy”, an adult silver dragon.
  • Gaarmareyll, an adult bronze dragon.
  • Doorbaayna "Cloudthumper", an adult copper dragon.
  • Mizzaeynaall, an adult gold dragon.
  • Roojjuuraani, a young gold dragon.
  • Vaappoolalan, a young copper dragon.
  • Gemmuurruun, a young brass dragon.


While the religions of the Empire are recognized here, as well as many of the traditions of the Empire’s disapproved deities, the Church of the Platinum Dragon is the one most followed tradition in the Protectorate.   Vaazmaarshaan, as a cleric of Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon, disapproves of many of the Orthodoxy’s teachings and practices and endeavors to correct them.

Foreign Relations

The Protectorate is at open war with the The Surane Empire. The Dragon Guard, aided by the forces of the Seven, have been able to repel the Empire’s attack repeatedly for the past 22 years. The The Kingdom of Iusnar put in place a series of trade embargoes and has maintained a blockade around the Protectorate for the past 12 years. Vaazmaarshaan has decidedly turned a blind eye to smugglers who run the blockade to supply his citizens.

Trade & Transport

Since the Protectorate separated from of the Empire and open war was declared, trade with the lands of the Protectorate has been almost entirely cut off. Smugglers often run the blockade by the Imperial Fleet, bringing in some supplies from Iusnar and Dachia, some even run supplies past enemies lines on the border of the Empire.   These supplies are often traded for some small measure of Vaaz’s hoard, which, though the war has gone on for decades now, hasn’t shown any signs of diminishing. Dragon byproducts such as donated blood or scales are also traded for the commodities provided by the smugglers.
Founding Date
1214, 19 Theossof
Geopolitical, Protectorate
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy

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