The Searing Temple Building / Landmark in Random world 1 | World Anvil

The Searing Temple

The Searing Temple provides many services to the adherents of the Branded Souls, a religious sect dedicated to the worship of Xaxera, Goddess of fire. Shelter, salvation, food and a cure for all illnesses that other healers are unable remedy. Patients arrive daily, some desperate, some as a matter of course, seeking a cure to some ailment or another. The healing powers of The Searing Temple is a gift, derived from Xaxera, channeled through the Primary Spark, the head priest/priestess of Xaxera.   The healing powers of Xaxera, however, are not restorative nor regenerative: only destructive. The flames of Xaxera course through the body, burning away the rot, the illnesses, the infections and is even reported to burn away maladies of the mind. Priests and Priestesses make it clear to all who enter the Searing Temple to receive healing: there is a price for such magic. Once the patient has been cured, their body will show the scars and burns of someone who was once immersed in flames. The location and degree to which they will cover the body is unknown and often manifests randomly. Though a previous Prime Spark has written that it seems the severity of the illness increases the coverage of the scars.   Although well known throughout the city, The Searing Temple is tucked away in the South-East section of the city just beyond Pauper's Row. Modesty and humbleness are the ways of the Branded Souls, as any arrogant fool may be laid low by fire no matter the hubris or wealth. Many of the Fire Lords are themselves part of the Branded Souls, some even sending their children to serve at the temple as acolytes. Other Fire Lords, though not followers themselves, peacefully coexists with the religious and cultural group.
Temple / Church


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