The Grenze Organization in Rakuen | World Anvil
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The Grenze


Operates on a basis of various unincorporated clans. Clans are maintained through emissaries so as not to create any civil conflict. Society is largely militaristic and used for their large population.


Society was a myth, at least in the dark days of The Gloom. You had to be tough to survive. And amidst the ruins of form civilization, The Gloom was slowly chased away, burned off, or forced into hovels never to be seen again. This new land would be one of trial and turmoil. And everyone was okay with that.   This nation would have remained a land of conflict and war had The Confederation not arose. It was seen as a threat, a massive army which had no other purpose except to destroy the likes of the clans of this realm. But with good fortune, the Confederation asked for their unity instead, even facilitated it. A country was born.   The Grenze remains mostly wild and tribal in nature. But their code of honour dictates one thing as true: fighting is a way of life. Whether serving with the Confederatory Army to the east and north, or fighting the crude Opalesce people to the west, there is always a new war to be waged.
Geopolitical, Province
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities