Koarth Organization in Queen of Debts | World Anvil
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Koarth (KOH-arth)



In a land rich with oils, someone must rise to the top. For the past few centuries the Lineage from the First Son of Stars have been the strongest, but the arid wastelands are not without enemies. Nature itself engages in war with its inhabitants, with burning dust storms and salted, rocky ground. Koarth is on a plateau, where the air is thin, so its people are stocky and sturdy. Those people grow strong, learning to fight and ride horseback from the moment they can crawl, because soon they will join armies and fight for land. The most notable of these warriors is General Rhothe Dhaggs. By his thirties, he has helped the Twelfth Son of Stars to conquer almost all of Koarth; given a few more years, he would've succeeded. However, when Coeros arrived, the Koarthan armies collapsed almost instantly, confounding even the greatest of strategists.

Key Info:

Status: Conquered by Coeros
Leader: The Son of Stars
Lineage: To adopted orphan sons
Language: Koarthan 
Known for: Brutal war, zealots, military strength.
Geopolitical, Clan



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