Ttoubfen Item in Qet | World Anvil



My host handed me something that felt wrong somehow. Like a fleshy, cold root. In the darkness, I could feel them lift my hand with the cylinder to my mouth, and I obediently drank— surprised to find it full of cool, refreshing water.
— A Rektouzk trader
  Ttoubfens, or mushroom oases are cups, carved from the stems of mushrooms— they are common throughout the subterranean societies of Tteunor and Pottott.  

An Understated Invention

The first of the Beuttepeun within the vast caverns of Tchaoxlik drank water from cupped hands which allowed much of the liquid to spill, not to mention the untold illnesses and toxins which laid within the waters that gave them life— this was not ideal.
  It is unknown by who, or when, exactly, the first ttoubfen was carved— perhaps it was found by accident, a tired hunter simply picked up a mushroom that had been hollowed by insects.
  Regardless of the origin, it changed the lives of the cave-dwelling people forever. Unknown to them— the mushrooms they had began using, the tall, thick-stemmed Brolltton— were amazingly adept at absorbing toxins, poisons, and other harmful substances.
  As the Beuttepeun have as of yet to discover the wonders of fire— and boiling water with it— this accidental discovery drastically decreased the numbers of illness and death within the populace. While other mushrooms may be used to create ttoubfen, the humble brolltton remains the most common.

Alternate caps

The brolltton— while the standard— is not the only mushroom used to create ttoubfen, there are a number of other fungi with different uses.


A small, thin stem which barely holds any liquid— great for strong alchemical brews which need only small doses.


Literally mushroom monster, this great, thick, tall-stemmed mushroom allows for cups able to carry about a pint of liquid.


Or child's oasis is a short, fat stem commonly used to serve children— or in Pottot, where alcohol has just been introduced.

Fungoid forms

Those of different professions, and possessing different amounts of wealth will often have their lifestyles reflected in the ttoubfen they drink from.  

The successful

Will have Auroullott words carved out of their cups, alongside other aesthetic twirls and lines along the outside. The lips of these ttoubfen will often be tapered for easier drinking.


Average folk, be they hunters, tradespeople, or laborers— they simply carve a hole through the center of the stem. They simply cannot afford to pay artisans to craft ttoubfen for their sake.


Ontop of using smaller ttoubfen to begin with, children's cups will often have small grooves carved along the sides to give them a better grip.
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A drinking game

From time to time, Beuttepeun will challenge one another to a drinking game of sorts;
  A hole will be punched through the bottom of the stem, and some unsavory liquid placed inside.
  The drinker simply has to attempt to finish the drink before it spills all over themselves, with a finger held over the hole as they bring it to their mouths, and finally let go when they begin to pour.

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