Rainwatch Settlement in Prima | World Anvil
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Rainwatch is a well-known trading outpost located in The Mirrored Savanna. It is not the most impressive settlement in Durhambia, but it is by far the oldest. Rainwatch was originally founded during The Age of Sacrifice, constructed to keep vigil around a portal that had opened to the Elemental Plane of Water. At the time this portal posed a serious danger, as it was unleashing a constant torrent of water directly into the desert sands. Rainwatch was hastily founded around the portal in order to create and maintain a large stone canal to carry the water into the valley below. By the time the disaster had passed so much water had come from this portal that it created what is now known as Mirror Lake.   In modern times, however, various arcane pumps placed along those same canals cause the water to flow in the opposite direction, upwards into Rainwatch itself. The city is therefore effectively a man-made oasis surrounded by heat and scorching sands as far as the eye can see. The outpost is ideally positioned to serve as a waystation for traders moving goods between the Durhambian mainland and the neighboring nation of Esma, but it is currently seeing far fewer visitors than usual due to the Moon Plague.   Even in these abnormally quiet times, however, the town still bustles with activity. Freight trains come through every couple of days, and there is a large airport placed directly adjacent to the station which is frequently used by traders traveling to distant lands. Rainwatch is also home to the headquarters of the Admiral's Delight Trading Company, which maintains large warehouses and has its own private dock at the airport. There are also plans to extend the rail line from Rainwatch into the heart of Esma after the Moon Plague passes, and as such there are ongoing construction efforts dedicated to ensuring the town's infrastructure can support the amount of trade that they expect to flow through here within a few decades.
Trade post
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