Cosmology in Prima | World Anvil
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Reality is vast and complex, containing many worlds, of which Prima is but one. The hierarchy of The multiverse is as follows:  
  • Everything that exists floats within the Cosmic Soup, a chaotic and impossible to describe place where space exists across five dimensions, and time resembles a spring made of sponge.
  • Within the soup floats various universes, including Prima itself. These universes float about unpredictably, sometimes being torn apart or colliding with each other. Such events are extremely rare, but not unprecedented in our history.
  • The outermost layer of Prima is The World of Forms. Here reality is defined only in vague, abstract terms. Think of it as a ring of concepts, rotating very slowly through fourth-dimensional space, as the rest of Prima rolls about along the inside rim. As it passes by each of the individual forms composing the ring, the current age changes, removing one Avatar and replacing it with another.
  • On the outside of our observable universe lies the Far Realms. Note that "observable", here, is mostly a technicality. Gazing upon or making mental contact with the Far Realms tends to result in insanity. Eldritch horrors lie within, and the less you know of them, the better off you are.
  • Just inside this layer lies the Polar Planes, which are thin abstract shells which protect the layers below like an egg. Mapping these has proved impossible, and little about them is known. The Positive plane seems to contain the essence of life itself, while the Negative plane contains the essence of death.
  • Inside of this thin shell lies the Astral Plane, most of which is now known as the Astral Sea. It is one of two planes which connect all others within which we are capable of moving between. This place is vast and mostly empty, and yet civilization exists, and the dead pass through here on their journey from one plane to another. (See Death for more information)
  • The Outlands is the other connecting plane. It is much smaller, and even more empty, resembling an expansive flat desert. The only major city in this entire plane is Sigil.
  • Within these two connecting layers lie the Outer Planes. The Outer Planes are by far the most populous. These sixteen planes house the various afterlives.
  • Inside the Outer Planes lie the Inner Planes. There are three of these: the Prime Material Plane, the Feywild, and the Shadowfell. These three planes are where mortals reside.

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