Zorua/Zoroark Species in Pokeau | World Anvil
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Known as the illusion fox pokemon, the zoroark line is a rather elusive pokemon, hiding themselves with complex illusions.   The illusions zoroark can create can imitate life almost perfectly, and can sometimes even occupy physical space.

Basic Information


The family has four limbs, with the front two being simply legs while a zorua and becoming arms in evolution. Zorua are quadrupedal, while zoroark walk on both two legs and all fours.   The family is rather lithe, though stronger individuals are known to be bulkier - though the majority of an individual's weight is in fact, fur.

Genetics and Reproduction

Their reproduction matches up with pokemon as a whole. Like other 'mammalian' pokemon, zoroark possess a pouch where the egg, once created, is held to keep warm until hatching.   Zoroark coupling habits vary between populations, but solitary zoroark meet another wandering partner and like, never interact again, while those living in packs are coupled for like with 1-3 partners.

Growth Rate & Stages

On average, zorua evolve at around 5-6 years old, though some evolve much later - zorua kept in captivity are often kept from evolving until later, as a zorua is much easier to care for and train than a zoroark.

Ecology and Habitats

The family lives in heavily forested areas with plenty of prey, though they have been known to survive in rockier environments. In most places they live, they occupy the top of the food chain, only challenged by other predators.   In recent history, some zoroark have taken on the form of a human and live in inner cities, as habitats become modernized. Zorua have also been known to hang around schools, taking on the appearance of a young child.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The family is primarily carnivorous, hunting other pokemon for food - most commonly bird-like or small rodent-like pokemon, though they've been known to take down larger pokemon while in groups. They either hunt solitarily or in groups, though group hunting has a higher success rate.   Like all other pokemon with mouths, they can eat and gain nutrition from pokebeans, berries, etc., but the family cannot live exclusively off of them in the wild.

Biological Cycle

The family remains active all year. They get fluffier in winter, and shed twice; in spring when they shed off all the winter fur, and in summer when they shed a LOT to keep cooler.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Zoroark either live solitary or in a pack; those who live solitarily try to avoid contact outside of breeding because packs can be hostile towards those being in their territory. Pack structure is... basically warrior cats, except the leader is the eldest member, and the deputy is their next of kin. Other than that it's literally warrior cats. If you don't know what WC is like god i wish i were you


Domestication, if done at all, must be done while still a zorua. Zoroark taken from the wild are incredibly hard to work with, but some zoroark willingly team up with humans out of their own volition, and in that case, it's a bit like having a furry live with you. Like other pokemon with high intelligence, traditionally training them is almost impossible, but they have the brain power to choose to be a human's friend and ally, in which case they're incredibly loyal and protective.   Some have compared raising a zorua to zoroark to be like raising a child but sped up.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Zoroark are rarely hunted for their manes and pelts, which sell for an extremely large sum of money. Though with any intelligent or powerful pokemon species, poaching is incredibly difficult and pretty much a death sentence for you. Poaching of any pokemon for pelts or furs is like, highly extremely illegal anyways. Don't do it.   Some shady individuals are looking to see if they can exploit their illusions, but to no avail.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The most common and dense population of the family is in Unova and surrounding wildlands, and is speculated to be the homeland of the species.   They also have a sizable population in Kalos and Alola, and is speculated to be because of aristocrats 1,000 years ago who released their zorua there once they evolved and became unmanageable. Zorua and zoroark in Alola have a summer coat year-round and don't do big sheds.

Average Intelligence

Human to slightly above human level. They're capable of having miniature societies in the wild within packs with complex structure, and have also shown to be capable of fully integrating into human culture and life for hundreds of years. Zorua possess an intelligence similar to a human child.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The family possesses very good hearing and eyesight, as well as a sense of smell better than humans. Generally starting out weak, they refine as they grow older. The family's control over illusions also assists in perception - you gotta know what's there before you change it, man.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Like most other pokemon species, the family lives in relative harmony with humans, though some zoroark have a vendetta against humans and are one of the few species who can be openly hostile towards humans.   In the wild, zoroark often team up with other smaller carnivores or omnivores to assist in hunting, especially those who are aquatic.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
INT DEX #570-571
Wild: 70 years | Captivity: 900 years (oldest known individual)
Conservation Status
Areas with a large concentration of zorua and zoroark are often protected, though the species itself isn't.
Average Height
Zorua: 2'04", with a range of about 4 inches   Zoroark: 5'03", with a range of about 5 inches
Average Weight
Zorua: 27.6 lbs, with a range of about 7 pounds   Zoroark: 178.8 lbs., with a range of about 20 pounds
Average Physique
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Normally, the family possesses a dark grey and red colouring on their fur, with grey-blue eyes. The red is exclusively on the mane. The shiny variant is of a lighter grey, with a blue mane for zorua that turns purple when it evolves. A shiny zorua's eyes are red, and change to yellow when it evolves, though some shiny zoroark still keep the red eyes and are especially rare.

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