Retzz Character in Planescape | World Anvil
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Retzz (a.k.a. Linn smester)

Retzz is a thin-lipped tiefling barely 4 feet tall who’s elevated forgery to a high art. There’s no handwriting or imprint that he can’t duplicate. In Retzz’s scrawny hand, a pen’s more formidable than a tanar’ri death sword.

Physical Description

Body Features

Retz has some muscle on his bones, running and fighting those that figured out his peel will do that to you. his face is somewhat angular, the chin forming a nice point. large red horns adorn his forhead, along with his red skin its hard to confuse retzz as a member of any other race within sigil. his eyes are slightly slanted, and full yellow, adding to the fiendish appearance.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Retzz was born for the stage. Quite literally, as he was born within the seawind theatre. His mother was a Tiefling performer, one of the sensates in fact. while the other was a Human thief, who had only recently entered sigil and was enraptured by the charms of the tiefling.   Because of his mothers and fathers occupation Retzz took on bits of both, enjoying the song writing and performance of his mother as well as the forgery of his father, resulting in a strange blend of skills and opinions towards them. The small house they lived in kept his life modest and taught him to save instead of spend on things that look nice. the house may have been small but the items within it were what mattered, wonderful instruments and tools of forgery could get quite expensive where quality goes over quantity.   Being that his father was a criminal, some would try to bully of get retzz in trouble, but his charms and quick wit always got him out of it. it was this disregard for others telling him what to do and the wit to get out of trouble that made him follow part of his fathers trade, as well as train in some music for coin when he had to lay low. he even adopted an alias to keep things very secretive.


Rettz works as both a poet and performer at the sea wind theater under the guise of Linn smester, as well as being an expect forger at the gatehouse night market.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Retzz was involed in the many forgeries that led to a member of the anarchists becoming factol of the hard heads

Morality & Philosophy

Retzz belives in freedom above all else, freedom of expression within his preformances and freedom of oppression, most of his forgeries involving getting past the red tape involved to do much of anything business wise in sigil.
Chaotic Neutral
Year of Birth
100 Ha 27 Years old
full yellow and thin
unkempt raven black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
red and sleek
4' 0"
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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