Harys Hatchis Character in Planescape | World Anvil
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Harys Hatchis

A body visiting Sigil for any length of time is bound to run into the mouthpiece of business, Harys Hatchis - or, at least, to notice one of the promotions he runs for his many and varied clients.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Harys is a thin but extremely vital man with a bald head that shines like a beacon. His face is triangular in shape, his wide forehead balanced by the tapered "V" of his short auburn beard. He's got large, crinkly blue eyes accented with deep laugh lines (from all that chatting with customers), a pug nose, and a small mouth that seems stuck in a crooked smile. It's this knowing half-grin that often makes the peery accuse Harys of being up to something.

Apparel & Accessories

As befits a son of two tailors and a man who knows the importance of image, Harys wears only the best clothing. He’s always seen in a billowy shirt and a small fitted vest that’s richly embroidered with a map of Sigil. He wears a variety of narrow pants and pointed boots.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Harys is chased by memories of the death of his parents, the bankrupting of the family business, and the termination of his career - and all of it can be traced back to the bureau of the Clerk's Ward. First, Harys was fired (unfairly, he says) from a job at the hall of information. next a cancelled order for uniforms from the Hall of Speakers sent his family's tailoring shop into a financial hole. Finally, a mistaken tax assessment by the Hall of Records caused his parents to declare bankruptcy and eventually die paupers. harys vowed he would never be as vulnerable as they were, that he'd always be the one with the jink, the connections, and the power.


Harys once worked in the hall of information, however now he works as a marketeer and advertiser. various businesses hire him for him strange but successful marketing schemes.

Personality Characteristics


To never fall victim to the political acts that destroyed his family.



He eats out for every meal, researching, circulating, and sustaining himself all at the same time. Harys hits every eatery in town, from Fortune’s Wheel to the Golden Bariaur Inn, from Chirper’s to Imel’s Happy Tongue, from the Speckled Rat pub to the Bottle & Jug. Restaurant and tavern owners often seat him at the largest table in the place, even when he shows up alone. They how that sooner or later the blurbist’ll have company - other lone diners invited to sit at his table, passer-by friends he waves in for a quick chat, or clients and employees looking for him with questions
Aligned Organization

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