Fell Character in Planescape | World Anvil
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In Sigil, there's a cutter named Fell who's far from ordinary - he's a dabus, and the weak and fearful dare not speak his name. for he's known throughout the cage as the berk who turned stag on the lady of pain.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

one large identifying feature is that instead of floating like most dabus do, fell walks on the ground like a normal cutter.

Special abilities

Fells main "power" and cause of some concern is his ability to take his symbols from dabus speech and graft them onto just about anything. some cay it was given to him by the dead god of portals: aoskar. seeing that fell claims he whorships the god, this is not entirely impossible.

Mental characteristics


He runs a small outdoor shop on Redwind Road in the Market Ward (just look for the black lightning bolt in the white oval - Fell's symbol for himself. There, he makes his airy pictures graft themselves to a berk's arm, shield, or cloak a permanent, vibrant tattoo, nearly as real as life, created to customer's exact wishes.

Failures & Embarrassments

There have been times when Fells tattoos become real. this can be bothersome at times, or quite deadly.



Fell's quite social. plenty of berks are spooked when he nods or waves to passersby. other dabus routinely ignore the citizenry as they collect garbage, reset cobblestones, and trim back razorvine throughout the city. And if it troubles Fell to be ostracized by his fellow dabus and feared by half the Cage, he never shows it. The silent picture-symbols that head when he "speaks" give no sign of anger
Current Location
a thick tuft of white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
purplish grey skin

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