Dabus Species in Planescape | World Anvil
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The dabus are the servants of the Lady of Pain, the enigmatic ruler of Sigil. They float above the ground and speak in rebuses, symbols strung together to spell out words. They tear down walls and construct streets under the unspoken command of the Lady. That is their purpose.

Basic Information


Dabus are humanoids with white hair, goat-like horns, and yellow-tan skin. They floated inches above the ground, their feet never touching the earth.

Biological Traits

Though possessing the ability of speech, dabus almost always communicate only through visual rebuses they create, filling the air near them with golden shining lines (from which the name Dabus originates)

Additional Information

Social Structure

The dabus reported to and followed to the letter the unspoken orders of the Lady of Pain. They were routinely found maintaining the city of Sigil, building walls, destroying buildings, paving streets, and maintaining portals according to the Lady's wishes. Despite the dabus' patient nature, interrupting or standing in the way of their work was a risky affair that might land one in one of the Lady's mazes.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The dabus speak only through visual rebuses, with symbols that materialize and fill the air above their heads. They can understand spoken language, however.

Civilization and Culture

Common Taboos

Certain sources suggest that Dabus can in fact speak, but fear that if they were to do so "their thoughts would be overheard." Another, more cynical source suggests that they simply enjoy frustrating others with their puzzles, though communication with a Dabus proves them to be extremely patient, if rather aloof and alien

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