Darius Character in Planescape | World Anvil
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Factol, The veyl DArius

darius the Veyl currently serves as factol of the Sign of One. This olive-skinned woman has soft gray eyes and a flawless complexion. Her vague, unfocused demeanor matches her soft appearance, yet somehow she holds a body’s attention. Something in the fleeting moments of steadiness in her gaze or in the deliberate grace of her movements commands respect.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Darius favors garb of beige, ecru, or cream, generally donning tunic, kilt, and many-strapped sandals beneath the silken folds of her balandrana. Her most notable idiosyncrasy? the wimple covering her hair and neck: No one ever sees the Veyl without it

Mental characteristics

Personal history

She was born in the Outlands realm Tir na Og, on the res of the vast sea her people, the Esprene, call Feyliriel. thee daughter of a philosophical wizard, Darius learned metaphysics at her father’s knee almost before she could rattle her bone-box. Exposed to rationalism, hedonism, stoicism, mysticism, solipsism, existentialism, and other systems of thought from an early age, Darius became cynical toward intellectual exercise. Her contempt for the mental realm changed when her father introduced her to spell power: Clearly, thought properly channeled could accomplish a lot!   Darius specialized in divination, earning the title “The Veyl,” an epithet bestowed by the Esprene upon one who dispenses wise advice. She might have remained forever in her father’s house, studying magic and counseling bashers on the horns of dilemmas, but for the arrival of the assassin Toddy. Toddy had just accepted (under duress) an assignment from the fiend Za’rafas to kill a wanderer named Mason. The tanar’ri’s superiors had caught the chant that Mason could successfully block an Outlands raid they were planing   they wanted him out of the picture. Thing was, Mason had pulled Toddy out of lethal scrapes twice. The assassin wanted to spare his friend; if he took his time, might his employer perish in the raid? Then Toddy need never finish his work. ’Course, if Za’rafas survived, Toddy’d take his friend‘s place in the dead-book! What did Darins advise?   The Veyl did far more than advise. After scrutinizing the immediate future, she recommended that Toddy lie low: Za’rafas would die of wounds received in battle. Then she sought out Mason. One meeting with the roving warnor showed her that his flair for diplomacy, combined with his talent in tactics and strategy, would give him what he needed to lead Outlands locals in defense against the tanar’ri ’Come, putting down the raid quickly didn’t entirely prevent warfare, or the destruction that comes with it: renegade tanar’ri razed a few Outlands burgs before their defeat   Welbey, Darius’s family home, numbered among the ravaged hamlets escaped death, but her father and the other village folk did not. With nothing left of her former life, Darius chose to relocate to Sigil.   After a few years of faction membership, and a staggering amount of her predictions coming true she ascended to the ranks of factol.

Personality Characteristics


Her primary goal for the faction seems a noble one: popularizing the Sign of One’s tolerance for diversity throughout society while enhancing the emphatic abilities of the faction’s members. ’Course, she agrees that her faction deserves more respect, so she authored the scheme to revive a dead god.   Thing is, she’s not certain Aoskar’s the better candidate. Sure, the Signers could handle the opposition they’d receive when the Athar picked up the chant. shes not even worried about the lost learning the dark of her plan.   Aoskar’s revival would require the destruction of the Athar’s magical tree, the Bois Verdurous. See, what~concerns Darius is that the Lady of pain booted Aoskar out of Sigil. Some say this god of portals got so popular even the dabus worshiped him, and others say folks started revering the Lady as one of his aspects! Reviving an enemy of the Lady of Pain just ain’t a healthy idea.
Neutral good
Current Location
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
olive like
Ruled Locations

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