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Allkirk is located roughly at the halfway point of the Western road from Torallo, midway down the island. Here the slope of the mountain is very steep, with rocks and cliffs making up much of the countryside. The city is located in a unique location, a large cleft in the rock wall which has made a plateau some thousand yards in diameter. Allkirk is tucked back into the cleft of the cliff, with it's back wall carved from the natural rock.   The city was constructed here not only because of the unusually large patch of flat ground, but also due to the spring which flows in this area. The spring has now been harnessed by the fountain plaza in the center of town.   Originally a fort (or outpost) to patrol the West Road, Allkirk saw a growth spurt with the discovery of a copper vein in the cliff face behind the city. The mine is not nearly as profitable as it once was, but that source of income has been replaced by merchants of all sorts. Allkirks location makes it the main hub for trade on the West side of the island.   As for the design of the city itself, it is a large square, with sturdy thirty foot walls on three sides and a hundred foot cliff at its back. In front of the cliff is the Purple Palace, named so for it's roof tiles, and in front of this is the Fountain Plaza. There is a large gate at the front of the city, as well as the Corner gate, facing Torallo. Aside from the Miners Gate, which enters directly into the cliff face, these are the only breaks in the wall.


Governor   City Council   Night Watch
Large town
Location under

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Feb 25, 2018 22:17 by Peri

I really like the names.

Feb 26, 2018 13:49

Thank you, I have trouble keeping track of names if they're not a little memorable :D