Jerome the God of Diligence Character in Pathfinder 2nd Edition | World Anvil
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Jerome the God of Diligence

As the God of Diligence, Jerome is the patron god of cities, farms, guards and accountants. He is constantly working, never resting.   While many wizards worship Jerome, few sorcerers do. The god sees sorcerers as "taking shortcuts" to their power.
Edicts:/ Work hard and build things that will last beyond your mortal life.
Anathema: Avoid laziness
Follower Alignments: LN, N, NG

Devotee Abilities

Divine Font: heal
Divine Skill Crafting
Divine Weapon: Sickle
Domains: Cities, Creation, Perfection, Zeal
Cleric Spells: 1st level: Mending; 4th level: creation; 7th level: magnificent mansion
Divine Classification

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