Caterina the Goddess of Kindness Character in Pathfinder 2nd Edition | World Anvil
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Caterina the Goddess of Kindness

Catarina is the Kind-Faced Goddess, beautiful and sweet, always with a smile on her face. Her clergy heal the sick and work with the other Virtues to help show kindness to the world around them.
Edicts:/ Always have a kind word or a helping hand.
Anathema: Never be cruel or unjust, even to your enemies
Follower Alignments: LG, NG, CG

Devotee Abilities

Divine Font: heal
Divine Skill Medicine
Divine Weapon: Flail[br[ Domains: Dreams, Freedom, Healing, Truth
Cleric Spells: 1st level: Bless; 3rd level: Sanctified Ground; 5th level: Breath of Life
Divine Classification
Neutral Good

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