Black Shores Geographic Location in Pathfinder 2nd Edition | World Anvil
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Black Shores

The Black Shores are a sort of holding area for the souls of the dead. When a sentient being dies, his or her soul normally first passes into the Black Shores where Death , or one of its subordinates, determines the correct higher (or lower) plane to which the soul should ascend.   However, there are many who reach the Shores and never head towards the Citadel of Bone. These lost souls have created a sort of society, erecting small villages and even a great city. Whether they fear their final rewards or just don't know that they've passed on, these lost souls eventually are approached by lesser deaths or lead on their way by psychopomps and are either harvested or shown the appropriate direction to continue on the cycle.   More than a few demons and devils have made their way into the Shores and attempt to collect souls for themselves. This is frowned upon, but it still happens.
N , Timeless
Category: Outer Plane
Divinities: Death , The Keeper
Native Inhabitants: Petitioners (the dead), psychopomps   The Black Shores in Golarian The Black Shores is not present in Golarian's cosmology. The Boneyard serves the same purpose.
Dimensional plane
Owning Organization

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