Belphaga the Goddess of Sloth Character in Pathfinder 2nd Edition | World Anvil
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Belphaga the Goddess of Sloth

Appearing most often as a morbidly obese woman with atrophied leg and arm muscles, Belphaga rarely bothers to show on the mortal plane. In fact, she rarely gets involved in affairs at all, mortal or otherwise. While she has the fewest direct worshipers (who could bother with all that worship stuff anyway), she feels prayers and gains power when people simply sit about idly or shun their work or duties. Her worship is indirect, but common.   She has no priests and any shrines or temples to her were built by others to appease her. Among adventurers she has almost no followers, as adventuring is far too much work for one who would follow such a goddess.
Edicts: Work only when necessary for survival. Rely on luck often, as it will see you through more than effort. Anathema: Avoid doing work yourself when possible unless you can get others to do it for you. Follower Alignments: N

Devotee Abilities

Divine Font: Heal
Divine Skill Diplomacy
Divine Weapon: Dagger (though fighting takes too much effort)
Domains: Cities, Fate, Freedom, Luck
Cleric Spells: 1st level: Floating Disk, 3rd level: Levitate; 5th level: Summon Entity
Divine Classification

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