Obsidian Empire Organization in Panthea (old) | World Anvil
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Obsidian Empire

The Obsidian Empire is a large empire that controls the volcanic eastern half of Surthur. The Obsidian Empire is famous for it's legendary blades. They can craft obsidian blades of unrivalled sharpness which are highly sought after by the rest of the world. For thousands of years master bladesmiths from around the outlands have travelled to the Obsidian Empire to learn how to make the sharpest blades in the world. When they were discovered by the midlands empires and knowledge of their blades spread there, they gained even more fame and wealth, and now bladesmiths come from even the midlands to learn from them.  


The Obsidian Empire usually makes their buildings out of huge stone blocks which are precisely fitted together. Their buildings are often highly ornate, being decorated with rigid but complex designs made out of stone, obsidian, and purple gemstones, which are in massive abundance in the Obsidian Empire.  

International Relations

The Obsidian Empire is very disconnected from the world outside of Surthur, and they are not allied with any outside empire or alliances. The Obsidian Empire is enemies with the Ashen Empire, a rival empire that controls the western half of Surthur. They have been enemies for over 1,000 years.   Aside from the Ashen Empire, the Obsidian Empire has mixed relations to the tribes to their south, in the cold snowy land beyond the volcanic mountain range that runs lengthwise along the lower center of Surthur.  


The Obsidian Empire has access to simple metal machinery, steel, crude muskets and cannons. The Obsidian Empire does not have access to anything powered by water flows, as there is very little running water on the surface of their home of Surthur. They are however, very skilled with mining, as they need to dig to gain access to water and almost all of their construction materials. They also have developed advanced pump systems to draw up water from deep in the earth.   The Obsidian Empire has recently been connected to the trade networks of the Merindian Empire and Regius, and have come into contact with much more advanced technologies. The Obsidian Empire is slowly attempting to industrialize with new engines that would power new factories and vehicles. They are also beginning to try to adopt modern durnium armour and modern weapons, although a majority of their armies still use primitive cannons and steel armour. They currently have only 1 fully operational factor, but they are currently working on constructing more.  

Trade and Exports

The Obsidian Empire's main exports are it's vast supply of purple gemstones such as purple agate and amethyst, and it's world famously sharp obsidian blades.

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