Askon Organization in Panthea (old) | World Anvil
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Askon is a medium sized country from southern Mora.  


Askon is a democracy, although the fairness of their government has often come into question. They only allow people from the few large cities to vote, and the majority of isolated townspeople have no say in the government. They also hoard a lot of money to themselves and the cities, which is why the rural towns are so poor.  

Culture and Society

Askon has a very old, but very divided culture. It is divided between the primitive and traditional small villages that dot the countryside, and the modern large cities that dictate the country.  

City Culture

Those who live in the cities are much better off then those in the villages. City dwellers are allowed to vote, have better education, infrastructure and technology, and they are much more wealthy, as much of the wealth generated from the villages is funneled into the cities. The people in the city also mostly follow the The Shorian Gods, while most people from the villages follow their own natives religions.  

Village Culture

Askon has a very ancient culture. Much of Askon's population lives in small, primitive farming towns that are often very isolated from the rest of the world. These villages often have paved but unmaintained roads, they often use animals instead of machinery, they mostly live as farmers and ranchers who use archaic tools, and methods.   Due to living in the great Sundra steppe, they are surrounded by open grasslands. While most other cultures would ride horses, the people of Askon much more often ride woolly rhinos. Their tamed rhinos are very effective at herding, carrying heavy loads, and they were terrifying weapons of war.   Each town, city, and little village has it's own unique traditions, culture and history. Askon is a complex patchwork of ancient religions, and even older magics that is different from town-to-town. Many towns have their own unique god, their own superstitions, their own rituals, and their own traditions.  


Askon's main military is the small but advanced army that originates from the cities. This army has access to tanks, artillery, planes, and some airships. This is a well trained but small force, and much of Askon's military force is made up of militias from outside the cities. These militias mostly use armoured trucks, machine guns, and durnium armour, and a few militias have access to tanks.

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