Sender Lotner Character in Panterra | World Anvil
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Sender Lotner

Sender Lotner

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Sender isn't in great shape. He's weak in strength and cardio, and has some "extra cushioning."

Body Features

Sender has surprisingly broad shoulders, however he does very little to fill out his frame. He looks like he's supposed to have some amount of muscle, but he just doesn't.

Facial Features

Sender has a delicate spray of freckles across his nose. Despite being an age where he should be able to grow a beard or at least need to shave, Sender's face is youthfully smooth. His features are soft and boyish, bordering on feminine.

Physical quirks

Has a sort of slouching posture, except when he's playing his violin.

Specialized Equipment

Sender has an Athari-made violin

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



Sender has a middle school level education, but has had extensive musical training.

Failures & Embarrassments

His mother is severely depressed and he often feels ashamed of her. He takes care of her more than she does him.

Intellectual Characteristics

Sender doesn't have perfect pitch but he's been trained to the point where he's almost as good. Sender is an auditory learner.

Personality Characteristics


Sender wants to become a court musician, which he already is in training for.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Very good violin player. Can also play the flute and lute.

Virtues & Personality perks

Sender is extremely patient with his mother. He's also generally a forgiving person.

Vices & Personality flaws

Sender is too passive, letting stronger personalities walk all over him.



Speaks quietly and timidly. He gets a bit of a stutter when he's scared., and will sometimes repeat words or phrases when he feels strong emotions.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1509 D.P. 18 Years old
Current Residence
Wide and sky blue
Blond and a bit shaggy and unkempt
130 lb
Known Languages

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