Deer College Building / Landmark in Overlapping Shadows | World Anvil
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Deer College

"Founded in 1948 in southeast Three Portlands, Deer College is a coeducational liberal arts and sciences college. Renowned for its groundbreaking integration of occult studies into a liberal arts curriculum, Deer is known for its high standards of magical practice, creative thinking, and engaged multiversal citizenship. Deer students pursue the Bachelor of Arts degree in over 40 majors and concentrations. The curriculum includes a year-long occultism course, broad distribution requirements, and a senior thesis; each student constructs their own program of study by pairing a traditional major with a concentration in an occult field, or chooses from a number of established interdisciplinary majors. A 9:1 student-faculty ratio and small conference-style classes allow faculty members to truly mentor students and engage with them in individual discussions."-Sarkic

Purpose / Function

Deer College is dedicated to inclusivity and the study of what many would consider the unknowable.


Wormwood Memorial Library was added in 1999 to remember former president Timothy Wormwood.
College / Academy
Owning Organization

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