Leviathan Character in Orywall | World Anvil
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Prince Leviathan Lucius Lopirath (a.k.a. Levi)

Considered the most responsible and efficient out of the Messengers, Leviathan is analytical, intelligent, and quick-witted. Early on, he was well liked by a majority of The Fifteen, not including his own mother. Although, at the time, many of the other Messengers had a distaste for him. Whether it was his hardworking demeanor, his hatred for war, or his dealings with Sarthros, he did not get along well with those outside of Abigail, Echo, Hutiarius, Jeff, and his own city of Mawinica.


Be that as it may, the current events with Azren, Ildrath, and Visk has raised the Messengers outlook of Leviathan, and he's regained his position as a respectable Messenger.


Levi is often in charge of handling the guild's finances and paperwork. He has a tendency to be easily stressed, often leading to sleepless nights either planning for the guild, reading, or watching over his fellow companions. He's over protective, especially towards Abigail and Azren, and he does his best to look over them, constantly worrying about their health. Levi, despite his cold and stoic demeaner, can be easily flustered, although he considers himself quite good at hiding it.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is tall, lanky and underweight. Levi may be physically weak, but he's exceedingly agile and quick on his feet. He gets tired out easily, likely because of his lack of eating, sleeping, or generally taking care of himself.

Physical quirks

Even though he was trained to be ambidextrous as a child, he is right handed. Be that as it may, he can still use his left hand to write or wield a weapon.

Special abilities

Prestidigitation, Detect Magic, Wildshape.

Apparel & Accessories

Preferring to wear noble clothing, he loves long jackets, blazers, tuxes, and ties. He enjoys monochromatic black and white, but will occasionally wear red or blue accessories.

Specialized Equipment

Rapiers, lances, and longbows.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Getting most of his general education from the grand library of Mawinica, Levi is quite well read and intelligent. While most of his combat skills were learned from Imohiel and Khiba, after his ten years with Sarthros he had focused on his combat alone, many of his techniques are from what he observed across multiple planes while traveling with Abigail, Echo, Hutiarius, and Jeff.


While he was stuck on Orywall for several years, he entertained himself by reading and learning. Levi has a degree in history, law, storytelling, and two years of guildmaster training.


Prince of Mawinica

From the moment he was sentient, Leviathan was responsible for the kingdom in some way. Of course, he had assistance from understanding archons and angels, who helped lead him along a path of a respectable and prince with high integrity. He's well appreciated by nobility, peasants, the military, and the butlers/maids alike.


He actually dislikes his title, due to his negative past attached to it, and would much rather read alone in his room.



As the Messenger of the darkness, moon, and night, Leviathan is seen on Orywall as a creature of the night. His original purpose was to take care of the city of Sundabar, keeping it safe from outside forces and taking care of its inhabitants, under the guise as another mortal. While many may have feared him, his animal, the "white raven", had become a symbol of hope among the people.



At the current time, he works as the guildmaster at Shadowfen's adventurers guild, handling finances, keeping the town clean, resolving feuds in the town, handling adventurers, hanging up jobs, and various other guild-like activities. A lot of his responsibilities often tie in with the town itself, due to him technically owning it. However, he'd prefer to stay as the guildmaster and nothing more.

Failures & Embarrassments

The Creation of the Yuan-ti and Fall of Sundabar


Destruction of Othiri


Death of Imohiel, Niza, and the corruption of Haziel

Mental Trauma

Leviathan, while not professionally diagnosed, has symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. He still considers his past to be distressing, and will often avoid talking about it in length. He's anxious and distressed, as even the smallest thing will cause him to recollect past events. Whether or not such events are the reason why he has issues sleeping are unknown, even to him. Even though several years have passed, he'll occasionally hit a rut of negativity and depression, easily startled and with high irritability.


Even when he's not in a depressive rut, Levi is still on high alert, and has issues with overwhelming guilt for his actions, whether big or small.


He also suffers from ophidiophobia and trypanophobia, both from past issues in his history that he hasn't quite gotten over.

Intellectual Characteristics

Linguistic and logical.

Personality Characteristics


Levi hopes to one day move on from the traumas that plague him in his day-to-day life, to repent for his miserable failures. Even if he doesn't, he's fine with keeping Abigail and Azren out of harms way.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvy with math and chess, but will fail miserably in most social events, and he cannot cook.

Likes & Dislikes

An avid reader, Leviathan loves just about any book that tells a good story. He collects autobiographies and generally enjoys them. He has a deep appreciation for cake and sweets. Also, he really likes Azren.


He despises snakes and their vile, humanoid counterparts, the Yuan-ti. He has an irrational phobia of needles, and dislikes hot weather and getting wet.

Virtues & Personality perks

Intelligent, a good fighter, agile, and a relatively okay friend.

Vices & Personality flaws

Over protective, guilt ridden, insecure. He can be seen as slightly insensitive to others at times, albeit this is unintentional.


Social Aptitude

Leviathan isn't awfully charismatic, and despises speaking to crowds. He prefers one on one conversations. As of late, he has very little confidence in himself, if any.


Due to his throat being irreparably damaged, he speaks through telepathy. He also generally chooses his words carefully, and will not use abbreviations.

Hobbies & Pets

His hobbies are chess and reading. Even though he's never owned a pet, he's given it some thought. He believes he's likely too busy to take care of an animal. Unless you count Khiba. :')



Son (Vital)

Towards Lunaris




Mother (Trivial)

Towards Leviathan




Lunaris and Sygra made the joint decision to incubate a singular Messenger, that would be shared between them. Shortly after choosing a mortal in Orywall, it wasn't long before they had both realized that they had accidentally incubated twins.


Leviathan was born alongside his twin sister, Abigail. immediately Lunaris was disappointed and unhappy. That isn't to say she didn't try to raise him, though. Lunaris, however, did give up, and dropped Levi on Sygra to be raised alongside his sister. Levi, at the time, was just a newborn child, and he hardly knew his mother until he was a toddler, only for Lunaris to rip him away from his sister and his perceived mother, Sygra, at the age of 5.


Immediately, he was put to work and education. Levi had very little time to sleep, as his attention was usually focused on studying in the Mawinica library, working on the kingdom's relationship with the other planes, and keeping up appearances, due to his mother not being able to. During these years, he still rarely interacted with his mother.


When he and his sister had turned 12, they were set off for combat training. While Leviathan now doesn't blame his mother for doing so, he had absolutely despised this turn of events, and disliked the idea of combat altogether. He voiced these anti-war complaints to Lunaris, and she disliked this to a grand degree.


While Lunaris may be looked at as having balanced morality, she enjoys war, and was offended that her son didn't share the same opinion. She was harsh throughout the entirety of her relationship, and believed she did it purely out of her version of love and wanting to see her son succeed, especially among the rest of the Messengers.


Leviathan's teenage years were difficult for Lunaris, as he often would hang out with Hutiarius, acting out and rebelling, due to his constrained childhood. He still avoided his mother's harsh words, usually by hiding out in the Underworld, Ionirah, or occasionally Orywall.


When Levi eventually settled down and returned to his harmful, princely life, Lunaris would find petty ways to punish him or otherwise make his job more difficult. By gaslighting, psychologically manipulating, and physically abusing him. These actions lead to him slacking on his work, and he wasn't perceived well by The Fifteen, nor the other Messengers. Although these abusive tactics ceased when he was finally appointed as a Messenger, the distaste Leviathan and Lunaris had for one another was high.


The last time they had ever saw one another was after the ten years with Sarthros, when Leviathan snapped under the pressure and abuse, and Lunaris destroyed his voice.

Relationship Reasoning

Even though they haven't seen each other in years, Leviathan is still deeply effected by his childhood neglect, and Lunaris still considers the Messengers as mistakes. In the event that they were to see one another, it would certainly be negative.

Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Moon Prince
Current Residence
Exhausted, half asleep sky blue eyes, his pupil resembling that of a feline.
Soft, medium length. Wavy charcoal black, with white tips.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white.
150 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Celestial, Dwarvish, Elvish, and Infernal.
Ruled Locations

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