Leojin Character in Orywall | World Anvil
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Emperor Leojin Qincyne

The emperor of Utraria and the proper king of Tottenham, Leojin is a shut-in high-elf. He's honest and straight forward and he often comes off as insensitive. He dislikes having to care for the emotional wellbeing of others and will put logic first, his responses to others are curt and often condescending. Due to his rather young age, he cannot handle rules well and dislikes being treated like a child.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Despite choosing a solitary lifestyle, he's healthy and fit, if not slightly athletic, and when he's not spending time in his room, he's often spending it with his exercise equipment to stay in shape. It can be argued that his immune system is weak due to his lack of socialization during his adolescent years, and it would be unlikely for his body to be able to handle a strong illness.

Identifying Characteristics

True to the Qincyne name, he has a birthmark of what appears to be a lion's head placed on his ankle.

Physical quirks

His posture is confident and outward while he's on the job, otherwise, he's mostly withdrawn and has a rather shy, insecure gait. He is also left-handed.

Apparel & Accessories

Preferring baggy clothing, he enjoys wearing robes, hoodies, and longer jackets. He has his bottom lip pierced and wears two large golden earrings on his left ear.

Mental characteristics



Personality Characteristics


At the moment, he only wants the best for his country and will do whatever he can to reach a point where he and his people are safe.

Virtues & Personality perks

Despite his rather lonely childhood, he exudes confidence and approaches everything with his chest held high. Leojin is willing to try new things, even if that means crawling to the outdoors every once in a while. He can overlook any situation logically and, for the most part, keep the emotions of others away from his judgment on a situation.

Vices & Personality flaws

Leojin can be glaringly insensitive, misunderstanding simple behaviors from others as insults. He looks down upon others for overemotional behaviors, as he can't quite grab ahold of such emotions as being anything other than a weakness. Withdrawn emotionally and socially, and seems to be against ideas of platonic intimacy.

Personality Quirks

He taps his fingers upon a surface when he's irritated, and he doesn't keep eye contact when he's either irate, nervous, or lying.


Being a wealthy emperor, of course Leojin would know how to take care of himself.


Social Aptitude

With princely etiquette hammered into his head from a rather young age, Leojin can manage to stumble through shorter conversations confidently with relative ease, having the typical mannerisms of a young prince. Although lengthy talks frustrate him and frequently end in him being rude and inconsiderate.


His gestures and mannerisms are rather awkward and stiff, if not slightly childish.
Circumstances of Birth
Violet and squinty, he almost always looks dissatisfied. His iris is slightly smaller than average.
Short, silky platinum blond.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A soft yellow.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common and Elvish.
Ruled Locations

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