The Grailfire Myth in Orr | World Anvil
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The Grailfire

When the Elysium Knights had reached the end of their quest and carved the borders of Iskandar into the world, Lord Ellemex scribed the Iskar Astartes and appointed those who would lead the twelve Pillars of Knighthood before lighting the Grailfire.   The Grailfire is a mysterious vessel of ever-burning fire that lies in the sanctum of Castle Requia. From this fire an ancient power emanates. It is said that the Grailfire is part of a grand seal that protects Iskandar, and the world of Orr.   The Grailfire is also the means by which the fallen Knights of Umbra may regain their honor. Those whom have been placed within the Knighthood are branded with a sigil of the Grailfire as part of a ceremonious rite. From this brand the whispers of the Grailfire are loosed within their minds and serves to guide them towards their reparations. Only the Ecclessiaries of house Umbra, a council of knights selected from the other Pillars of Knighthood, can perceive the living voice of the Grailfire whom will call upon them when a fallen Umbra is ready to receive the final quest of their redemption. Upon the completion of this quest the knight is allowed to rejoin their former house or retire from their service to the Knighthoods of Iskandar.


Praying Knight

The Grailfire is a holy relic of Iskandar whose legends and mysteries have long inspired the denizens of the Dawn Realm. To the people of the land, aiding a knight upon his quest of redemption is considered a deep honor for the eternal flame resting in the vessel at Castle Requia was stoked by the faith and eminence of Ellemex, the uncrowned king of the realm.   The symbol of the Grailfire appears in much of the iconography of the Dawn Realm, and every temple of the Endless possesses a ceremonial vessel of fire which the attendants feed and stoke throughout the days and nights. These temple fires are where those who have done wrong in the private matters of their life approach when they seek forgiveness and guidance from the Endless. It is a custom that one seeking this salvation carve their name upon a piece of kindling and feed it to the flame. During times of trouble and tribulation, such as conflicts and crusades, the people of the Dawn Realm also light bowls inside their homes and place them near their windows. It is said that the Grailfire may carry prayers to Knights and soldiers upon the fields of battle if said over these icons and indeed many of the Iskar Astartes describe hearing the voices of their loved ones even in the midst of battle, but none know if this is a property of the Grailfire, a caring Endless, or their imaginations.   Because of its deep reverence in the Dawn Realm, the Grailfire has inspired many other legends and myths. The most prominent of these is that the fire itself was the last flame of a dragon for the Grailfire burns a ghostly blue hue when it speaks to the Iskar Astartes. In the annals of history Ellemex is said to have been bathed in a similar blue flame upon a mountaintop before forming the Elysium Knights. The Canticles of Light describe the fire as pouring down from the sky beneath a cloud of platinum, and thus some believe it was the breath of the last metallic dragon whom have not been seen in the world of Orr since the Cataclysm. Other legends ascribe that the Grailfire is in fact a severance of Ellemex's own soul, a piece of himself left within a vessel to safeguard the Dawn Realm from the evils that the Elysium Knights fought so valiantly against during the mythic era of their quest for the realm.

Holy Fire

Among the many symbols and iconography of the Dawn Realm that is ascribed to the Iskar Astartes, the Grailfire is the most pronounced. It appears upon shields, ceremonial armor, banners of the Knighthood, and nearly every other effect which the Knights treasure and possess. However, there is another symbol attributed only to the Grailfire itself which appears in none of the symbols of the Dawn Realm yet is carved into the vessel in which the Grailfire burns, that of a being descending from the clouds followed in a wake of fire and destruction. Some imagine this being as a dragon, other see it as angel or a Seraphim of Elysium, while others speculate it as being the spirit of Lord Ellemex and that the icon is meant to represent that he will return to the Dawn Realm in a time of true crisis.


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