Hobgoblins Species in Orr | World Anvil
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The Higher Goblins, or Hobgoblins as they are often called by mortals, are a fearsome, and loathsome breed of warmaking monster whose purpose upon the world seems dedicated to sowing discord, death and bedlam. They are a highly intelligent race of creatures that form brutal, militarized societies that have gained foothold over the eras following the time of Cataclysm by raiding and scavenging the unprotected borders and fiefdoms of the world. They are wholly devoted to the Endless, Sethex, and possess their own unique forms of clerical and arcane magic utilizing what their priests and war leaders call Lambsblood Sigils.   Hobgoblins are raised in abusive conditions which fosters the ideology of a personal perimeter. This ethos makes Hobgoblins extremely suspicious, cold-hearted beings whose intentions are always rooted in self-preservation and malice. While it is extremely rare there are cases of Hobgoblins leaving their warbands and entering into mortal societies in Orr, however they are often met with deserved prejudice and in the unlikely event they are allowed to live among mortals it is always under a watchful eye.   The militaristic mindset of the Higher Goblin ensures that there is very little infighting amongst the warband itself. While their society is brutal, Hobgoblins prioritize cunning over brawn and thus their hierarchy often seeds the wisest and most intelligent of their species into positions of authority over the warband, making them an incredibly efficient and deadly foe to face in battle. Hobgoblins will always seek whatever advantage in the terrain that is available during conflicts and will often retreat and regroup rather than face an opposing enemy head-on when a battle shifts beyond their favor. This appreciation of tactics also means that unlike many other monster species in the world of Orr, Higher Goblins are prone to combining warbands or assimilating others of their kind into their own fighting force to embolden their numbers and increase their militaristic power without the usual bloodshed and casualties that other sapien monsters would invite by joining forces.

Basic Information


Higher Goblins possess several distinct characterizations from other Goblinoids. Their statue is generally comparable to a man's but far broader in frame to support a heavier build and overall muscle mass. Their flesh has a range of colorations but the vast majority are of a dull blue-gray tone. Hobgoblins do not possess hair upon their heads but rather hoods of thin, flexible quills. They bare similar tusks and sharpened teeth to other goblinoids as well as a sharpened, hound-like ears that are extremely sensitive to sounds. Further heightening their powers of awareness are their upturned, boar-like noses, cat-like eyes that allow them to perceive even in total darkness, and serpent like tongues that can taste strong tones upon the air.

Growth Rate & Stages

Like other Goblinoids that are descendent of the Higher Goblins, Hobgoblins mature at a rapid rate, often reaching "adult" size and strength in little more than three years. Their cognitive abilities do not expand as rapidly as their physical features however, which in turn leads to the youngest of Hobgoblin society serving as a bulwark or front line of any Higher Goblin warband and the eldest serving as administrators, quartermasters, clerics and war-leaders. Because Higher Goblins can reproduce their ranks so quickly it is imperative to wipe out female matrons of any warband when eliminating them from a territory.

Ecology and Habitats

Hobgoblins are a scavenging and warring race. While highly intelligent, rarely do they create settlements of their own unless they have captured a large population of slaves. Because they often do not have fixed territories that they occupy, they've learned techniques for transferring smelting and forging supplies so that upon reaching and raiding a settlement they're able to repurpose any materials or crafting components they loot, such as removing every available nail in the buildings, and even smelting down door knobs coat-buttons to replenish their supplies.   Because Higher Goblins are primarily scavengers and do not farm, when entering into a new territory Hobgoblins will hunt all available wildlife and gather any useful herbs, leaving the area barren of resources. Very rarely will Higher Goblins attack major cities or fortified settlements unless the warband possesses an overwhelming advantage but in times of desperation they may attempt a "hit-and-run" assault on such locations.   When Higher Goblins do choose to create fortifications and long-term settlements it is often a warning sign that they've discovered or obtained an abundance of resources and intend to lay siege to the surrounding territories.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Hobgoblins possess darkvision and heightened senses.
Scientific Name
Higher Goblins


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