The Creation Myth Myth in Orlden | World Anvil
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The Creation Myth

The world began, as most things do, as a stagnant cauldron of potential. With no fire or pressure or movement to form the world it was empty and formless. Then came the sisters Ā, Æla, and Įunto. These witches were wise in magic and sought to create life, as nature was their one true love and passion, and coming across such a perfect stew is such a rare occurrence. They set about adding to it, eye of newt, halfling stew, bird that bob, and giants too. As the world began to form bubbling over the fire of creativity, the sisters realized that their world was much smaller than they thought and the beings they had created far too large, so they set about making smaller animals. In this time the sisters told the old beings that they must make way for nature to come. Many laid down where they stood and offered up their bodies as protection to these new beings but some resisted. The smaller believing they were able to coexist. And for a time this was true. But unknown to the sisters there was a poison lying dormant in the brew. These new beings weren’t quite what the sisters intended. And though they were young they sought to turn the world to their own liking, following this darkness to conquest. Seeing this the sisters created the kinn, a second pass at these beings with the help of the wise animals in the world. But it was too late. The old races were past the point of saving and in offering themselves to help the kinn many animals were lost to the brews poison. The sisters having failed set themselves upon Lunaris, leaving the palace of Stellaris to shine bright and pure upon us and have nature run itself while they reflect it and offer guidance, content to let the brew boil away the poison, through their chosen Miscant’s while they continue to cultivate the Kinn.

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