Northwain Settlement in Orinas | World Anvil
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The shining jewel of Dartignon. Ivory towers, and white masoned stone, provide a gleaming example of the face that Dartignon shows the outside world. Located at the southernmost point of Dartignon, situated at the lowest elevation, Northwain stands as a gateway into the despotic, northern duchy.


Woodsmen: 75% storekeepers, 15% administrative, 5% labor, 5% guardsmen


The Mortagne family oversees Northwain. Lord Mortagne acts as sheriff, and is responsible for ensuring that taxes are collected. The tax rate is 100%. Citizens have no rights to property, nor can they profit from their labor. Citizens may not leave, or risk being hunted. Citizens may not voice their displeasure, or risk vanishing. Citizens may not be out after dark. Citizens are clothed and fed according to daily rations, and are housed in public housing.


Northwain is situated at the foot of a steep mountain pass to the north, is surrounded by masoned stone walls, and has towering spires overlooking the plains.

Industry & Trade

Northwain, along with the rest of Dartignon, manufactures almost nothing. Their entire influx of gold, comes from the goods visiting merchants trade. Merchant's receive a local mark (Darts) as compensation. The buying power of these marks, however, is low compared to that of gold. The goods supplied via direct import, are then distributed to local, state-owned vendors, and typically sold for gold back to hapless visitors.


Paved streets, high walls, gas lamps, sewage system, impressive towers. All of which were built before the failed revolution.


Northwain maintains a large storehouse of goods that visiting merchants have "sold." These goods are distributed to the various vendors by the state.

Guilds and Factions

The Gravedigger's Union


Built in 732 AO, Northwain was the northernmost city of Middleton. After the northern expansion campaign of Ormund XII, Northwain was given to Duke Dartignon, who used Northwain as the principal seat of his duchy, until the construction of Dartspire Manor to the north.


White masoned stone and birchwood give Northwain a clean look.


Situated at the foot of a steep mountain pass, Northwain sits along the Plainsford River, approximately 30 miles west of the Northern Ridge, and 70 miles east of the sea.

Natural Resources

The Dartignon duchy is rich in natural resources, including everything from timber, to animal hides, to mountain stone/ore, and even freshwater fish. The fact remains, however, that Dartignon is largely incapable and uninterested in exploiting it for profit, as such it goes largely untapped, and represents an incredibly diminished presence in the goods for sale in Northwain.
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