Hart Base Settlement in ORCA | World Anvil
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Hart Base

Hart base is an ORCA military base in the southern English countryside. Of medium size, it houses an average number of operatives, soldiers, scientists and other personnel, along with vehicles and regular tech. It exists to project ORCHESTRA's power in the local area, with the standard goals of purging magical influence, suppressing magical activity and rooting out any casters or supernatural creatures in hiding. Hunters, rangers and soldiers stationed there routinely investigate the surrounding countryside for any signs of magical activity and eliminate or capture anyone or anything they find, while watchers observe the local towns for caster activity and nip new ones in the bud. The local region is deemed fairly safe, however, with only occasional caster activity and a minor werewolf population, both of which are not considered much danger are targeted for excision. Thus it also houses basic research areas for minor scientists to perform experiments.   It is notable as the main base for the protagonists. All the protagonists and nearly all side characters are stationed at Hart base for the first arc of the story, serving as their home and base of operations. There, they learn what it is to work for ORCA, learn that the local casters and werewolves may be more dangerous than they think and discover that there is a dangerous magical plot stirring right under their noses.


Being located in the English countryside, nearly all of the confidants stationed there are English.
Military, Base
Owning Organization

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