Cédric 'Wolfsbane' Astier Character in ORCA | World Anvil
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Cédric 'Wolfsbane' Astier

Cédric Astier (a.k.a. Wolfsbane)

'Wolfsbane' (real name Cédric Astier) was ORCHESTRA's best ever werewolf hunter, and currently mentors new recruits in Canada. He got the nickname 'Wolfsbane' due to his extreme prejudice and skill in hunting werewolves. A veteran of the Third Wave of ORCHESTRA, he killed over 150 werewolves throughout his career and has been bitten three times, always managing to get to safety before turning. Cédric took part in Operation White Blood, where he single-handedly made a stand against a pack of 5 werewolves and won before help arrived, albeit being injured in the process and having to be extracted.

Mental characteristics


Cédric is a Lead Hunter Operative for ORCHESTRA.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Hunter Operative
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
English, French

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