The Arcis Brotherhood Organization in Orbis Mundus | World Anvil
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The Arcis Brotherhood

"...and our king saw over the moors and went no further for the tribes lay to the north, and the mountains betwixt the frame of his cradle." - Unknown, Chronicle of our Kings, circa 320 c.e.   The Arcis Brotherhood is a conglomeration of warrior tribes located in the northernmost regions of the Nex. Notorious for their extensive practice magic, most notably necromancy and conjuration, the misdeeds or the Arcis Brotherhood are heard far beyond their tribal holdings.


The tribes of the Arcis brotherhood are loosely organized communities that are able to maintain order and sovereignty through constant raiding, subjugation and general tyranny. The brotherhood is lead by a patriarch powerful in both magic and intellect. The patriarch of the brotherhood renounces their birth name upon ascension, instead going by the title of "the Immortal Arcis".

Public Agenda

The Arcis Brotherhood has long been prophesied to be the downfall of the developed nations of Orbis Mundus. As such the brotherhood has made it it's duty to raid and enslave the provinces of the kingdoms to its south. Though fighting both internally and with the surrounding tribes is also common.   Recently, it is rumored that the Arcis Brotherhood is behind numerous large scale raids into the Karvinian Exclave as well as the dissapearance of Karvinian war heroes.


Though the tribes of the brotherhood lay within treacherous and infertile grounds, the Arcis Brotherhood have flourished as a significant northern power through their exploitation of magic, allowing them to fight effectively as both raiders and mercenaries for various institutions.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Tribe
Government System
Power Structure
Notable Members

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