Kroxigor in Orbis | World Anvil
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The Kroxigor form one of the core species of the Lizardmen race, created by the Old Ones as strong and obedient construction workers, labourers and in times of war, powerful warriors. In all practicality, Kroxigors are essentially a larger and far more powerful relative of the Saurus. They are hulking creatures, their bodies consisting of slabs of rock-hard muscle and their massive jaws bristling with razor-sharp teeth. They move in silence, save for the heavy thumping tread of their feet. When enraged, they unleash their only form of speech — a blood-curdling roar that reverberates across the jungle.   Under the Guidance of Skink Overseers, Kroxigors accomplish many great tasks that would require a great amount of strength to muster, such as hauling and placing the massive stone blocks instrumental in the composition of the temples. Perhaps due to the tedium of their labours, the Kroxigor were never intended to be mentally agile. They are extremely simple-minded creatures that require and often desire direction and would instinctively obey all instructions from their smaller kin with an almost alien level of obedience.    


  An infrequent spawning, it is rare for more than a handful of Kroxigor to enter the world at the same time. They emerge from the same spawning pools as the Skinks, which may go some way to explain why the two species share another common affinity; like Skinks, Kroxigors are very at home in the water - able to move at speed through waterways or swamps. Between tasks, they prefer to submerge themselves in waterholes, leaving only the tops of their heads visible. In this way, not only do the beasts cool off, but they have a chance of surprising their next meal.   When not geared towards warfare, the Kroxigors provide an essential and vital role alongside their smaller Skink cousins. During times of peace and massive construction works, the Skinks, due to their frail and small stature, are unable to complete tasks that require extreme strength to accomplish. Instead, when not using massive beasts of burden to haul heavy goods and materials into place, the Kroxigors offer the medium between the weaker Skinks and the larger yet dull-witted lizard-beasts. Able to understand orders far better than most jungle creatures, the Kroxigors are often assigned the task of labouring heavy equipment or goods anywhere that their smaller Skink relatives might have need of them.      

Sacred Kroxigor

  Born from sacred spawnings once every century and adorned with ceremonial jewels and cloth, these enormous, revered albino lizards are almost silent despite their size.
Standing nearly two stories tall, Kroxigors are amongst the largest and most feared creatures within the Zan'Athrian Jungles.

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