Leo’s minor blessing Condition in Omiran | World Anvil
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Leo’s minor blessing

Transmission & Vectors

It is spread trough genes, the blessing nestles itself in the genes, there is 2,0% extra chance of being blessed if both of your parents come of a line with at least two generations of blessed in it, there is 1,5% extra chance of being blessed when both of your parents are blessed, there is 1% extra chance of being blessed when one of your parents is blessed, there is 0,5% extra chance if one of your grandparents is blessed.


Leo God of nobility and conqeust gave someone his blessing, that blessing is this condition.


Some symptoms are, being able to partially transform into a lion, having the tendency to roar when excited or anxious and being far above your peers.


Stabbing a dagger in your heart and asking Leo God of nobility and conqeust if he would relieve you of his blessing.


There are a total of two stages, the beginning stage from age 1 to 11 and the adult stage from 11 to death.


The eyes of the blessed will light up when using magic.

Affected Groups

Newborn Leonese

Hosts & Carriers

Some religious artifacts are able the chance of being blessed.


By praying to Leo God of nobility and conqeust and asking him if he would please save his blessing because you are not worthy.


When the realm prospers the chance of it being inherited will be one and a half times the norm, and it even triples for a day or so when one of the lion army’s conquers something.

Cultural Reception

The blessed are revered under the people, so much so that you need to be blessed to be able to be considered a royal.
Chronic, Congenital

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