Leo God of nobility and conqeust Character in Omiran | World Anvil
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Leo God of nobility and conqeust

God of nobility and conquest Leo (a.k.a. God of war)

Divine Domains

Nobility, conquest

Holy Books & Codes

The book of all, the book of god, Leo’s commandments

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A lion sun

Tenets of Faith

Leo’s commandments

The first commandment is, You shall be noble. The second commandment is, You shall conquer. The third commandment is, You shall thank Leo. The fourth commandment is, You shall not back down. The fifth commandment is, You shall test your faith in every celebration. The sixth commandment is, You shall be loyal. The seventh commandment is, You shall be honest.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Known goals are to protect his followers Not known goals are to become headgod

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is an enormous lion in his natural form. When he is in his human form he is very muscled and has long curly gold hair

Body Features

He has yellow fur and strong golden mane’s

Identifying Characteristics

He has an enormous scar at the place where his heart is

Special abilities

God’s roar: he roars with all his magical power and destroys anything facing it. God’s sword: he roars and summons all kind of swords and fires them repeatedly at the enemy

Apparel & Accessories

He wears a crown made of faithstones

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



He is attracted to female’s

Accomplishments & Achievements

He fought of his brother Tigra to protect his own core

Morality & Philosophy

Be noble and conqeur


Naming him and Tigra in one sentence

Personality Characteristics


Dreams to replace his mother as the head god of their faith, deeply wishes to kil his brother Tigra

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Extremely good at war, terrible at hiding his emotions

Likes & Dislikes

Likesall his subjects Dislikes Tigra

Virtues & Personality perks

Gracefull, loving and patient

Vices & Personality flaws

Easily angered, grudge bearer and lust incarnate

Personality Quirks

Roars when angry, happy, sad and scared


He is very wasteful and used his subjects faith to wash himself


Contacts & Relations

He needs to make sure his followers are doing well

Family Ties

He is the son of Ral mother of gods and goddess of fertility and Drak the allseeing dragon god, his brother is tiger god Tigra, his sister is the bear goddes Ursa.

Religious Views

He knows the truth of all.

Social Aptitude

Extremely charismatic, cocky


He speaks down to even his superior gods.

Hobbies & Pets

His biggest hobby outside of his work is choosing one of his followers and gambling on how he will end up, he will then follow their entire life.

Wealth & Financial state

His subordinate is the god of wealth
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
God of nobility and conqeust
Year of Birth
1987 A.Q -50 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
The people were feasting, soon there would be anothergod
The core of Omiran
Current Residence
The core of Earth
Bright yellow
Long curly blonde hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
3,7 m
210 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
“Conquer my faithful subjects and I will protect you” “Brother you don’t exist anymore” “You will be my first subject on this world let me bless you for it” “Be noble and conquer for me”
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
All languages

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