Olutanri Birth of the First Aspect
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Birth of the First Aspect

Life, Birth


The First Aspect spawns from The Eternal One within The Singularity.

The thick miasma of silence fills a great grey chamber housing a great grey throne. It was a sweet silence, unblemished by time or consciousness. Overhead a convoluted network of black cables and transparent tubing filled with iridescent fluid emits an eerie violet-blue glow illuminating seated figure. With eyes shut, the effervescent humanoid does not move or make a sound. So it sits, unageing and unbothered, motionless. The silence inssipates as the eons pass by unnoticed and the glow pulses in a nigh-imperceptible cycle.   An eyelid twitches. The silence screams. A consciousness enters this hallowed space.   A second form, dim and flickering, crawls from its seat upon the throne. The silence flees repulsed by the alien mind violating its home. Six eyes blink into existence. The crawling figure stands and turns to gaze upon the seated individual before it. A thin arm extends upwards. Elongated fingers of smoke and shadow grasp at a low-hanging tube and yank violently. A spray of irridescent liquid showers both creatures and mars the grey floor. The eyes wince ever so slightly as the newborn buries the jagged tube end into its body.   Time passes. Silence doesn't return. The newborn grows more coherent with each day - an amorphous entity of obsidian ephermeral ooze. It examines the throne and the seated figure. It mentally maps the overhanging nest of cables and tubing, following them into the neighbouring chambers. Occasionally it plucks an additional tube from above to add to its body. It is alone in this place.   So The First Aspect stands silent staring into the great gray void desiring more.

Related Location
The Singularity
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