War of the darkness. Military Conflict in Old Zenithas | World Anvil
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War of the darkness.

As the dust fell on my fallen friends, I shed a tear. their stories were over; and yet eternal. They had fought the greatest evil to ever sneer at this earth, and won. The body of a titan, bleeding at my feet. All this could have been avoided. all of this was my fault. another world has been scarred by my existence. But the danger has passed, and I can breathe a sigh of relief.

They came from humble roots, seekers of glory and honour. It mattered not about their past, for their friendship was more powerful than the alien monsters that dogged their every move. Their skills evolved with each gargantuan threat felled. I followed behind them, helping and testing the fellowship.

They were not prepared for him. The dastardly monster behind it all, my own shadow. I have lived for a thousand years or more; but never have i seen such resistance against 'it'. Guards valiantly holding them off at city walls; wizards banishing them to whence they came. And these adventurers...no...Heroes- have done what I could not.they are dead. Maybe they won't come back this time.

The Conflict


Strange creatures began to appear across the globe; predominantly in the Province of Shadowplains. These heartless creatures sought only one thing, to conqour and assimilate.


Troops across the province deployed to various incursion points, to no avial. those that remained, defended the cities and towns.


The cities, the towns, and the great fields.

The Engagement

The war was very one-sided, with the heartless brushing off the attacks of all but the pure of heart.


the skies became a pitch black for nearly a month; black ooze lined nearly every street.


The great cataclysm changed the world. Spirit-lake City was completely destroyed, and the King was killed. Populations of cities and towns were decimated, some even destroyed completely.

Historical Significance


It will forever be remembered as the worst and bloodiest 'war' of all time.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
1 BC
Ending Date
0 AC
Conflict Result
The dark lord was defeated by a band of heroes, but the fallout literally transformed the planes forever, resulting in the Great Cataclysm.


The heartless

Led by

The united nations of Shadowplain


a near infinite force of dark elementals, varying from the puny to the gargantuan.
the support of several large cities and towns, thousands strong.


very few comparatively, though many 'bosses' were killed by brave adventurers. their leader Dynasteelen was also felled, but technically did not 'die'.
nearly 50% of all the people of the province perished at the hands of the monsters, including powerful spellcasters and warriors.


World conquest, and to harvest the hearts of the sapient peoples of the plane.
to protect themselves from the darkness.

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