The Dragon's Maze Building / Landmark in Old Zenithas | World Anvil
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The Dragon's Maze

From MTG: Dragon's maze.
A maze of epic proportions. Amongst the laybrinth are many guildgates, part of the 10 guilds of Ravnica. This maze encompasses city streeats, forgotten stone expanses, hedged gardens, and impressive architecture. The original maze was a series of magical laylines weaving through the plane of Ravnica, but this Paradox Dungeon is somewhat more Linear. Invisible walls an ceilings prevent unauthorised 'cheating'.

Purpose / Function

The original maze was designed as a failsafe should it's bingind 'Guildpact' be destroyed. It would decide a 'Living guildpact' from the winner of the maze's race. This dungeon emulates that original purpose, with the end of these massive dungeions holding a powerful magical artifact.


An ecleptic mix of the styles seen across the ten guilds of Ravnica- from the marble pillars of Azor to the hanging chains of the Rakdos Circus.
Creatures: Ravnican (particularly those from 'Dragon's Maze')
Loot: Ravnican (Including items from the Guildmaster's guide to ravnica Expansion
Notable Loot: One Rare or greater Item at the 'Maze's End'
Notable Creatures: the 'Maze Guardians'.

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