Star of platinum Spell in Old Zenithas | World Anvil
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Star of platinum

From 'Jojo's Bizzare adventure' part 3 onwards
Summon spell: Grade-A
this spell conjours the image of muscular purple man, boasting significant physical power and sometimes the ability to stop time. It is a simple 'stand summon' but a powerful and effective one.


summons 'Star platinum' a melee combat 'stand summon', that utilises powerful consequetive punches and the ability to pause time for up to 5 seconds.


the spells visual manifestation is that of a purple muscular man, with long dreadlock hair and no shirt.


from an entangled section of the weave that meets the weave of a different reality.
The spell must be learned from an ancient scroll. at the end of each round, the user must make a wisdom save (Dc12) or the spell ends. spell can be cast on a willing target (range: touch) or cast on self.
For every level cast beyond 5-the user has an additional round before they must make wisdom saves to keep the summon active.
'Star Platinum's' AC and Hp are equal and shared with the spell target, But; star platinum's strength is 20. The user may use the following
Ora ora: (1 attack action): (non-proficient unless user is a monk) 6d4 bludgeoning (range melee)
Star finger: (range 20ft 'melee') 1d8 piercing.
Once per combat encounter: the user may use the power of Star' Platinum's 'The world' to stop time. this gives the user 1 additional round where only they may act.
Related School
Related Element
Chronos (time)
Effect Casting Time
1 action

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