Bleeding Condition in Old Zenithas | World Anvil
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We all know that blood should stay in the body, and when it is not, that is a problem. Blood can be many things to many creatures, from cells and fluid to oil and fuel. A bleed occurs when a blood filled part of a creature is cut or broken. Some wounds are worse than others......

Transmission & Vectors

Usually caused by a weapon or ability designed to maximise the impact of a wound


This can be cured by any spell that causes magical healing (such as cure wounds or lesser restoration). You may also make a DC 15 medicine check and spend one minute to patch up the wound, though the creature has disadvantage on saves vs bleeding until the next time they are healed or after the next long rest. Completing a long rest also cures this condition.


Left untreated, an open wound may lead to infection. At the dm's discrection, the afflicted may need to make a constitution save to avoid contracting a diesease.

Affected Groups

Most biological creatures are affected by this. Some mechanical or abbarent creatures (such as abberations or elementals) may be affected by this.
The affected creature takes 1D4 damage at the start of each of their turns. The damage die increases by one for each level or challenge rating above 1.

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