Beating cocoon Prose in Old Zenithas | World Anvil
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Beating cocoon

(The following is an unwritten story told over campfires, and particularly an hallow's eve)

  "Deep within the forest lies a cave. a cave that goes down for miles. No torch nor magic can light the tunnel. down it goes. dark,darker,yet darker. No length of rope can reach the bottom. detect magic spells reveal nothing but a black void-creeping into their mind. Cold is the cave, devoid of all light and all life. the only sound is a soft pulsating thump, like blood pumping through veins. if you could see, they say the walls would be lined with septic purple vines, leading into the core of the cave.
There is where you shall find it. The obsidian heart, Beating as if alive. Obsidian flesh that is organic in nature. there you would see it, a somehow even blacker shape in the abyss. the figure of a man; sleeping in the womb that is it's heart. But that will be the last thing you see. For the darkness will suck out your blood, your soul, and your mind. You will become one with the abomination.
Years will pass; and the septic vines will climb toward the surface. The darkness will consume the forest. The septic, swollen heart will bleed-and the demon within will awaken. It's thousand eyes will grow from the heart, it's tentacles shall pull it to the surface. It shall be worshipped, as if a god. Deification Shall empower the monster, as willl the sacrifices. It may be defeated; but never killed.
It is no daemon, and it is no god. Words cannot describe the fiend;even as it further evolves. Heroes will come to slay the beast, only to provoke another metamorphosis. Verily, wings will grow, with sharp rows of teeth. Many shall it terrorise, until it changes once more. A foul parody of man; cunning and infinitely malevolent. It shall appear on Hallow's eve; and coat our realm in the choking darkness. The dark lord will usher in a new age, be it succeed or be it felled."


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