Bluster Port Settlement in Okenaos | World Anvil
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Bluster Port


Residents of Bluster Port are evenly spread among most races, though you tend to get a lot of wood elves and humans making permanent residence there.


The city of Bluster Port elects a mayor who represents their interests, but he has no real power against The Qeelaki Guilds, who largely run the city on their own via the power of commerce. The mayor's only real power is the ability to collect taxes, but he can't even run those too high since tariffs imposed by the guilds are often high enough as is. The mayor IS in charge of a City Watch, but the city watch pales in comparison to funding and personnel of the bounty hunter's guild.


The docks have lighthouses spread throughout them which also serve as watch stations and defensive towers, should any ships in the harbor turn hostile. The city watch exists to help keep the peace, but often, the real heroes are members of the Bounty Hunter's guild who have been promised payment in exchange for helping to deal with a threat.

Industry & Trade

Bluster Port is the most thriving trade port in the world, with hundreds of ships docking per day to unload their cargo, and then load up with whatever happens to be cheap that day.   It's also one of the biggest shipyards in the world, with crews of thousands working together each day to mass-produce seafaring vessels.


Bluster Port has an immense docking district, where ships come and go to buy and sell cargo of all kinds. The city has a vast network of sewer systems beneath it, which also serve to function as a criminal underground of sorts.


Bluster port is the first landing site of the Qeelak family on Qeelak Minoi, or at least so the legend goes. It got its name from the natives, who insist that the island's normally calm winds have become much stronger since the arrival of the Qeelaks.


Qeelak architecture is largely deciduous forest wood and grey stone, with flat roofs. The northern edges of bluster port are starting to utilize jungle wood, and living in a house made of jungle wood is considered a sign of high status.

Natural Resources

Bluster port was carved into the rich, vibrant forests of Qeelak Minoi, and has mountains of wood available as a result.
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