Session 2 - Chasing Clues Report in Oelia | World Anvil
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Session 2 - Chasing Clues

General Summary

Second session of D&D!


A Prisoner

  The end of last session left us with a magically sleeping Kuo-Toa, who was immediately interrogated. After he shit himself a ton, he told the party that the Kuo-Toa were trying to summon their God, Gildoopoop. He then told you that the lair was due East, and then pleaded to be let go. The party agreed, but forced a promise that he would turn his life around. The Kuo-Toa agreed, and ran away.
The party then made their way towards the lair, and camped out on a small cliff overlooking it, searching for any patrols or things that could be in the lair. After a night of sleep, the party attempted to sneak towards the entrance, but failed a crucial stealth check and the Kuo-Toa were tipped off to their presence. The party killed one of the two lookouts, and then delved into the lair.  

A Tomb full of fishes

  The party found what looked like a tomb for an order of knights that was infested with Kuo-Toa. They battled their way through the panicked fish-folk and eventually found a room with a large summoning circle lined in blood. The final battle of the lair commenced, and the fish were defeated. As the party looked around, they heard the scream of a dying fish-folk, and ran to a previously unknown hole in the wall, where they found Clara with a spear through the top of a Kuo-Toa mouth. There was initial distrust, especially after the party started being aggressive with her, but eventually she calmed down, and told the party some info.
It turns out that her father, Lawmaster Marius Defaul, was murdered by a man that looked exactly like him. Clara told the party that the "rescue party" was actually likely sent to kill and silence her. Clara said that she would stay in the tomb until it was safe to return to the city.

A Parting Mystery

  The party came back to the city, weary of the new adversaries that they may have to fight, and settled back at the Devil's Respite. After around an hour, after no sign of the barkeeping couple, Torji asked a regular at the bar where they might have been. The drunk regular said that Rubo had gone downstairs a while back, but hadn't come up in a while.
The party investigated and found blood leading up from the trapdoor that lead downstairs... and we ended the session!

Rewards Granted

I don't remember :(

Missions/Quests Completed

Found Clara!

Character(s) interacted with

Clara Defaul   Kuo-Toa that they freed
Portrait of Clara Defaul
Report Date
13 Sep 2021
Primary Location

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