Session 1 - Grimvalley Report in Oelia | World Anvil
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Session 1 - Grimvalley

General Summary

The First Session of the Campaign

Meeting the party!

We began at night in a large tavern in the city of Grimvalley, in the nothern reaches of the Melisal Desert. We followed Ymyr as he made his was into the tavern and ordered a glass of milk from the Tiefling bartender, Lia. After some light bullying by Rubo, Lia's husband, we switched over to Runa, who awoke from a nightmare in a room upstairs. She fixed her scarf and walked downstairs to get some food. She sat a seat was from Ymyr, who "seemed weird". Lia then walked over to two gnomes sitting in the corner of the inn, Torji and Tobin Timbers. The "Cloak and Dagger" twin sat watching the new arrivals, with Torji brooding Broodily, and Tobin drawing pictures on some napkins. Soon after, a man was thrown into the bar by a guardsman, who told his to "chill out and have some drinks!" Chen Longwei walked into the bar and yelled for a beer. It was midnight, and most patrons of the bar were asleep, so Lia splashed a beer into his face for his trouble. Irritated, Chen left the bar and waited outside the door(Or was thrown out. I don't remember). Torji then clocked a scared-looking man staring at him from across the bar. He called out the strange man, and the man got up, said "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!" and ran out of the bar. Torji followed, but was unable to find the mans tracks. After some time and shenanigans, the party went to rest again. Lia then asked them all to meet in the morning to discuss a mission she had for them.

Finding Clara

In the morning, Lia explained that her friend Clara is missing, and that she went north of the grimvalley walls some time ago and since then, nothing from her has been heard. A small contingent of guards were sent out, but only one survived. The survivor managed to get back to the gates and is being treated in the barracks. The party went to the barracks to speak to the survivor, and he told them that Clara was in fact Clara Defaul, the Lawmaster's daughter, and that a force of 15 men was sent to search for her in the desert and were attacked by Fish-folk, Kuo-Toa. He said that he only survived because the Guardsmen's cleric cast a healing spell on him as he fell down a small hill, leaving him obscured from the enemy by the hill, and with enough strength to crawl back to the city. The party also notices that the medic seemed to be sleeping on the job, and had his head down in his arms. With this information, the party set out to find Clara, heading first to the site of the battle outside of Grimvalley. The first thing they noticed was a corpse at the bottom of some jutted rocks, as if the person had been killed and fallen from the rocks. Runa gathered 20 silver from the guard as the party began to look around. What they found was a much larger battle than was described to them, with atleast 25 men and many, MANY, fish people corpses to boot. As they looked on, they found 4 Kuo-Toa looking through the carnage. They attacked, and killed 3 and captured 1. There were also two guard prisoners, and they were released by the party. Tobin had magically put the kuo-Toa survivor to sleep, and the session ended.

Missions/Quests Completed

Found the Kuo-Toa that kidnapped Clara

Character(s) interacted with

  • Lia Rubo Strange man The captain of the guard The wounded survivor Kuo-Toa
Report Date
13 Sep 2021
Primary Location

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