Lia Afali Character in Oelia | World Anvil
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Lia Afali

Lia Afali

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lia was born to a low-born tiefling family in Arkerzun. Always harassed for their devilish appearance, her family members left the city one by one, until it was only her, her sister Alai, and their mother. One day, when Lia was 19, her mother was murdered due to their Tiefling heritage. This trauma led Alai to leave the city, and Lia was left alone. It was in this miserable state that Lia met Rubo, a young soldier Aasimar traveling through town. Lia and Rubo fell in love, and when Rubo was released from the Adirilian Army they moved to Grimvalley to open up their well-known tavern, The Devil's Respite. Eventually, the couple had three kids: Telam, Helis, and Teriok, in that order. This happiness did not last, as the three sons stumbled upon a small colony of ghouls living in a cave near the town, and were infected. The couple was able to convince Alai, now a renowned enchantress, to fashion Iron Flasks to contain their sons as they pursued a cure. Unfortunately, their children were killed by a party of heroes attempting to save Lia and Rubo.


Lia owns a bar with her husband Rubio. Before this she was a soldiers wife, and a barmaid.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Started the most successful tavern in Grimvalley
Current Location
Year of Birth
530 AS 28 Years old
solid orange
Long, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Red skin

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