King of growth Profession in Ocean of Myths | World Anvil
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King of growth

King or even a Queen rules the KIngom of Growth faction. Ony one of each can exist at a time. They govern the faction at the top and pass or remove laws.
A new ruler is chosen when the old one dies. As the law goes, the first person to declare themselves a King or a Queen at the Palace of growth will become so, just so they get murdered by another ruler wanna-be. This murder cycle continues until only one remains.

Ruler privilege:

A king has a few things for him which make it easier to stay in power. These include law immunity, personal Guards of growth, personal servants, full acess to faction's funds and the ability to temporary claim anyone's property.
A ruler, outside of paperwork, rarely does anything themsleves, thanks to their servants. This applies to leaving the palace of growth as well, due the the fear of assasination. Overally, this leaves most members of the royal family unhealthy and overweight.

Life of a ruler:

A regular ruler's day starts of with a bath, with the help of servants. Continues into fancy breakfasts, with a lot of paperwork after, which often lasts until lunch and might continue aferwards.
The lunch tends to be fancy and often includes hosts the ruler is supposed to meet with. Rest of the day is off, during which the ruler spends time with themselves, their family or partying.

End of a king:

Whenever is it murder, disease or old age, a ruler once passes on and a new one steps it. The old one's family is evicted and left basically homeless, unless they prepared a house beforehand, which most do.
It tends to be fancy and pretty expansive, but lacks workers to be maintained, plus is made out of bricks, which people rarely use for builing.
A house like this tends to become a ruin in a geenration or two.


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