The Council of Origins Organization in Obrios | World Anvil
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The Council of Origins

A mythical high council of Beings chosen and created by the gods themselves. These beings were granted unique abilities and were tasked with leading and protecting civilization as it grew and progressed. This council was made up of twelve different orders. Though each order shares the same goal, it was said that each order also had their own individual ideals.   There is much dispute about the Council and their creation and purpose. While many believe that the Council were the saviors of humanity, most believe that they were the heralds of the desolation's and are accused of trying to help Galdarian bring upon the end times.   Although the Council was created by Galdarian and Tamriel, many believe that Galdarian tricked Tamriel into helping him create the Council so that they could help him destroy Kestramore.   It is unclear what truly happened with the Council. Some say that the Council was divided, with some choosing to side with Kestramore and Tamriel and others choosing to side with Galdarian.   What happened to the Council is unclear, but all traces of the Council seemed to disappear after the Fracture.   Although the Council is gone, there are still many different stories and fables told about the Council.


The 12 orders:   Pain Breakers, Myth Weavers, Spirit Speakers, World Shapers, Edge Dancers, Soul Welders, Oathbringers, Horizon Walkers, Shadow Benders, Surge Binders, Pact Bearers, and Word Seekers.


Legend says that the Council was created by the Gods themselves sometime around the year 1028. Twelve individuals from across Obrios were granted visions that led them all to a hidden temple where they were greeted by the gods. It is said that the gods granted these individuals great power and tasked them with protecting civilization and leading them as the world grew and progressed. The newly formed Council of Origins left the hidden temple and scattered across all of Obrios, leading the Beings of Obrios and caring for the world. The Council brought order and guidance to a confused, chaotic, and ever changing world.
It is said that while many of the Council chose to fight for good, many were promised great power and were corrupted, choosing to fight for evil and help bring the desolation's to Obrios


It is unclear what happened to the Council after Galdarian was slain, some say they all died in the war, others say they are in hiding, but the Council has vanished and has not been seen or heard for over a thousand years.

The first, the true. As one, from two. From the stars we came, to the stars we rise. Unity in diversity. Onwards and forwards forever.

1028 - 1264

Religious, Holy Order
The Council.

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