Dawnstones Material in Obrios | World Anvil
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Some believe that the Dawnstones were a gift from the Gods themselves, others say that they are merely a natural phenomenon and can be entirely explained by science.   No matter what you believe, if you live on Obrios you most likely posses a Dawnstone.   Dawnstones are powerful stones obtained from the tops of the highest mountains on Obrios. A Being can bond with these stones, granting them a supernatural ability and causing them to see visions of the past, present, or future.   A Dawnstone can turn a man into a great swordsman, cause a farmer to shoot rain from her fingertips, or even allow an elderly man to talk to Rock Pigs.   Dawnstones turn even the most boring Beings into colorful characters.


Material Characteristics

All Dawnstones start out as a clear, marbled white color with a pearlescent swirl in the center. Upon bonding with someone, the Dawnstone will change color depending on who it has bonded with.   All Dawnstones are unique and come in all shapes and sizes and tend to vary depending on which mountain they are from. Though most stones are usually spheres. The smallest Dawnstones are around the size of a grape, the largest recorded Dawnstone is 5x5 feet. However, if most Beings touch a Dawnstone larger than a fist, the energy it contains is too great and the Being is unable to contain the energy and dies. The larger the Dawnstone is, the more energy it contains.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Dawnstones are typically warm to the touch and give off a colorful light in a 5ft radius. The light depletes as the energy is withdrawn from the stone. Dawnstones are incredibly durable and almost impossible to break or destroy.   When a Dawnstone is touched by a living Being, there is a burst of energy that is absorbed and then transferred to that Being. This process is known as Bonding. This burst of energy presents itself in a vision. Usually the visions are short and appear as vague images or scenes of the past, present, or future. Some visions have been known to manifest in the forms of feelings and sensations. Once a person has bonded with the Dawnstone, they are gifted an ability from the stone. They are now the only person who can use the stone.

Geology & Geography

There are billions of Dawnstones on Obrios. Each of the great mountains are full of them.   The Dawnstones grow at great altitudes and require a lot of radiant energy. The Dawnstones grow the most during The Great Meeting, but only around 35,000 will be usable each year.   Some Dawnstones are occasionally found in the waters and rivers at the base of the mountains.

Origin & Source

Dawnstones start as a geode that are hidden inside the great mountains of the world. When they grow to a certain size, they break out of their geode and form a cluster that looks similar to a grape vine. As they grow they separate from this cluster and continue to grow until they are mined or harvested.

Life & Expiration

Dawnstones are able to retain their energy indefinitely as long as it is not being withdrawn. Once a bonded Dawnstones energy has been depleted, it requires at least 8 hours of sunlight in order to fully recharge.   The exception to this is if the Dawnstone is touched by a Fateless. If a Fateless touches a Dawnstone all the energy is drawn from it and it is no longer able to recharge. This causes the stone to Expire and then Dawnstone then becomes "Dull"

History & Usage


The discovery of the Dawnstones changed Obrios forever. Visions granted by the stones were considered to be messages from the gods themselves. These visions showed people how to farm and how to survive. The world was quickly adapting and the Dawnstones showed Beings how to adapt with it.   Dawnstones were used widely as tools of discovery but later once the visions became more vague, their use became more scientific and technologically based.


The first Dawnstone was discovered by Eioc in a lake at the base of the Tamrian Steps. Upon receiving his vision, he lead his tribe to the top of the mountain where they found the first Dawnstone deposit.

Everyday use

Dawnstones have limitless uses in society. Some Dawnstones are used to create food, others to build houses. Because of the wide range of abilities granted by the Dawnstones, a persons ability usually dictates their occupation and how they use their stone. Recently most Dawnstones have been used to power various technologies that assist in everyday life and help people use abilities that normally their Dawnstones might not be able to do.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Dawnstones have had different impacts on various cultures. The two most notable being the "Dawn" based hierarchy in Storms Breach, which uses the usefulness and strength of ones Dawnstone ability to determine social standing. The other is the almost lack of reliance and importance of Dawnstones in The Pinnacle because of the heavy scientific influence in the city.   Most cities however tend to use the Dawnstones in the same way, with people using their abilities to help make a living. Lately some have been struggling to adapt though as technology has been slowly replacing some of the simpler Dawnstone abilities, thus leading to more poverty in some of the larger cities.   There are few culturally significant Dawnstones in the world, the most important being The Kings Stone, the largest stone in the world. Both were prominently displayed in Storms Break until The Kings Stone was stolen by the Yoxai, which instigated the Parched War.   Eioc's stone or The Prime Stone is also considered a important religious relic. There have been multiple Prime Stones in the world, owned by various Vucboon in the past, but Eioc's Stone is the only Prime Stone kept on display.

Industrial Use

Larger Dawnstones are are used by most cultures to power their various technologies because of the immense amount of energy they can hold. These stones are typically refered to as Amplifiers. In order to use an Amplifier, one requires a bonded Dawnstone. When the bonded Dawnstone is touched to the amplifier, the touching Dawnstones abilities are amplified depending on the size of the amplifier.   Dawnstones are also being developed to power modes of transportation, the most impressive being the Wake Breakers in the Parched Lands, as well as the Light Rail.


If a beings soul is underdeveloped when trying to bond with a Dawnstone, they are unable to contain the energy it contains and are killed. Most beings wait until they have reached adulthood before trying to bond with a Dawnstone. It is not impossible for a child to bond with a Dawnstone, but it is considered very dangerous due to the child's soul still developing and usually results in the child's death.   If most beings touch a Dawnstone that is larger than a fist before they have bonded with a smaller Dawnstone, the energy it contains is too great and the being is unable to contain the energy and dies. The larger the Dawnstone is, the more energy it contains.   Another possible hazzard is the possibility of becoming Fateless after attempting to bond with a Dawnstone.   On rare occasions, some abilities granted by the Dawnstones have been known to cause harm to the user.


Trade & Market

Large Dawnstones are mined and harvested in a specific cave at the top of the Kestramore Steps. This cave is different than the sacred cave used for The Rising.   The Dawnstones are harvested and then transported down the mountain where they are then sent by Light Rail to the cities in the North, and by caravan to the cities in the South.

Law & Regulation

There are many laws surrounding the Dawnstones that change depending on which city you are in. The laws that seem to be the most consistent are laws that pertain to harming anyone and abilities that would create any form of currency, false or real, without going through the proper minting process.
Larger Dawnstones typically tend to be more rare than the others because they take the longest to grow. However, the rarest Dawnstones are the The Prime Stones, which turn the Bonder into one of the Vucboon
Typical Dawnstone colors include: Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red. However, these colors can range in all different kinds of shades and hues.

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